Author: dlc

Change We Can Be Proud Of

“Osmosis is the diffusion of water from a high concentration to a low concentration through a semi-permeable membrane.” Hands down, this is the most impressive one-liner I can regurgitate from high school. I learnt it in Food Tech, and to this day, I have no idea why I learnt it there and not in biology. […]

Where are all the sages?

My old man once told me that he’d had a vision of how he would hold himself as a dad. He pictured that he might be the ‘Dr Huxtable’-esque figure (when that was a good thing), dispensing sagely advice to his eager young children. Now, let’s be clear. My father wanting to be “The Great […]

“What you *should* do is…”

Reflections on parenting that contain no advice. “What you should do is…” How about you shut the… “Oh yeah, I’ll definitely give that a go. Thanks.” “Yeah, I know it’s hard, but as long as you…” *Sigh* I have this hypothesis that those who write parenting books about, “How to get your child to sleep on […]

I Thought I’d Be Better Than This

There’s this game we call “B’dink” that we’ve played with each of our kids when they were little. It’s where someone calls, “B’dink!” And then you bump heads together. Oftentimes it’s gentle and an affectionate moment shared. But sometimes it goes pear shaped and someone gets hurt. Sometimes by accident and sometimes (I suspect) intentionally. […]